Friday, March 7, 2008

Good Grief

Been watching Arrested Development again.
Looking forward to a possible motion picture

Some great quotes:

Tobias Fünke: " I would really like to kiss that man between the cheeks."

Tobias Fünke: "I'm afraid I prematurely shot my wad on what was supposed to be a dry run if you will, so I'm afraid I have something of a mess on my hands."

Tobias Fünke: "Ooh, I can taste those meaty, leading man parts in my mouth!"

Tobias Fünke: "Time for me to take off my receptionist skirt and put on my Barbara Streisand in the Prince Of Tides ass-masking therapist pantsuit."

Tobias Fünke: "My schedule however, is as open as my relationship with my wife. So why don't we pair up? And hit the town together! I'll be your wingman. Even if it means me taking a chubby, I will suck it up!"

Tobias Fünke as Mrs. Featherbottom: "Ok, who'd like a banger in the mouth? Oh...right, I forgot; here in the states you call it 'a sausage in the mouth'."

Rita: "You found out."
Michael Bluth: "It took me long enough."
Rita: "Maybe you're not smart either. I didn't know until they told me."
Michael Bluth: "No. I'm just a narcissist who was too self involved to see the truth."
Rita: "That makes no sense to me."
Michael Bluth: "You know, maybe you're right. Maybe I am being too hard on myself..."

Please add to this list in the comments if you have any other personal favorites


Mandy said...

George Bluth: Daddy horny Michael.

Buster Bluth: It was a brownish area, with points.

bob said...

Apparently it's difficult for some people to comment here. FYI you don't need a google account to comment. Just comment as "Anonymous" and sign it or something.

Here's a few e-mails i got regarding this post:

Joe S. wrote:

I can't exactly remember it, but I love this one ?Buster comment from when he was dating Liza Minnelli Lucille, which went something like:

Lucille: I'm worried you see me as your mother
Buster: No Lucille, I'm using you as a REPLACEMENT for my mother.

Or something like that...

Good postings!

Monica wrote:

1. “It’s vodka, you know, it goes bad once it’s open.”
2. “Well, wine only turns into alcohol if you let it sit.”

bob said...

I also reminded Joe of a great line, similar to Buster's above. This one is by Gob to Lucile 2:

"I'm not embarrassed to be with you. I like being with you. I’m embarrassed to be seen with you."