Thursday, January 24, 2008

Screen Cleaner

One thing about a monitor, is that you can always clean the outside of it, no problem but sometimes--and i don't know how this happens--dirt can show up on the inside of the screen.

So what does a person do? You'd have to take apart your monitor just to get in there to clean it.
Well, i'll share a tip for you all, there are free tools available on the web that can do this for you, and without dismantling your monitor.

For an LCD screen like i have, you need a tool that is coarse enough to really get in there. If you have this type of screen i recommend this screen cleaner:

However if you have a glossy screen, you don't want to use such a coarse scrubber as the one above. It may leave scratches. So the below link is what you would want.

Hope you find these useful.

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